“Be Engaged, Be Informed, Be Involved ”
One of the top priorities of the “Neighbor To Neighbor Network” is to engage the communities within St. Clair County, and to build healthy relationships with the residents, agencies, and organizations. To become an essential and trusted entity, that is focused on systemic and long-term, positive change. The successful outcomes will impact not only community development, but the overall health and wellbeing of citizens across the region. Our focus is to:- Build relationships
- Help promote meaningful dialog regarding; needs, challenges, and opportunities
- Strategic Planning
- Resource Sharing & Collaboration
- Establish strategic partnerships
- Increase; capacity, efficiency, velocity & agility

A Community focus and approach to the contributing factors that undermine health and wellbeing:
A Community focus and approach to the contributing factors that undermine health and wellbeing:
- Crime & Violence
- Lack of community engagement
- Environment
- Unemployment
- Homelessness
- Nutrition Security
- Substance use
- Education
- Public Policy
- Poverty
- Mental Health
- Lack of Access
The Neighbor To Neighbor Network is committed to promoting community engagement, at a “grassroots” level, with the assistance of local faith-based organizations, area agencies, businesses, residential and civic association partnerships. Methods of engagement and indicators of success will include, but are not limited to the following:
(1) Opportunities to get to know your neighbors(2) Integration of other Healthier Together workgroups
(3) Partnerships for community development
(4) Provision for health and safety education
(5) Promotion of homeownership opportunities
(6) Expansion of neighborhood clean-up operations
(7) Local business development and employment opportunities
(8) Presence of family-friendly health and wellness events
(9) Establishment of safe shelters